CBSE 2016 Class 12 English Outside Delhi Set 1 Paper

Question : 27
Total: 52
'Brain drain is not a bane for a developing country like India'. Write a debate in 150-200 words either for or against the motion.
Good morning, respected judges and the esteemed audience, I would like to speak against the motion'Brain Drain is not a bane for a developing country like India'.
Brain Drain is a major problem of India that has been harmful for the country. Brain drain means the intelligent minds that do not get desirable jobs or recognition in their own country. Thus, they migrate to other countries for better prospective where they are provided with favorable working conditions. They prove their intelligence there and are recognized throughout the world. They also become the pride of the country. Every year a large number of people go abroad either for acquiring higher studies or getting good jobs. It is because their worth and intelligence is not acknowledged aptly in the country. Sometimes; the most brilliant people also leave India and prefer to stay in a well-developed country like America, England, Canada, etc. This is the most common thing in India as compared to other countries as the companies over here fail to provide necessary working conditions and acceptable salaries to their own countrymen. But the question arises what if they show their worth in their own country? How can they be stopped from migrating or persuaded to return to India?
It is a matter of serious concern for the government of India because it is a complete loss for India. The professional training that the students receive in India and for which the government spends lakhs of rupees, goes waste; plus it is a gain for receiving countries. They can be attracted to India if the conditions here are altered to their liking; if the merit and talent is given due consideration. Therefore, sincere efforts are required to bring them back by offering jobs according to their caliber, so as to make the country more efficient in all fields.
Good Morning, honorable Principal, respected teachers and my dear friends. I am Karuna, student of class XII of your school. It is a great opportunity for me to share my views in the favour of the topic, 'Brain Drain is not bane for a developing country like India'.
Brain drain refers to the continual migration of highly qualified and trained people from their country to a more advanced one, in search of lucrative job opportunities and promising lifestyles.
A major advantage of this system is that in this way, the other skilled people of the native country are able to find suitable opportunities in their own country. A couple of years ago, there were a lot of people who were highly educated but still couldn't find appropriate employment. With brain drain happening actively, if some people gone outside India for work, the locals are able to get that work. This way, it helps reduce the percentage of unemployed people in India.
Secondly, the income from the emigrated people comes back to the native country as overseas remittances. India is recipient of the highest amount of foreign currency coming in as remittances from NRls. People working outside the country send money to their parents and family members, who in turn can invest in property and other assets. Thus, it leads the development of the native country.
Finally, it helps in improving the education and infrastructure in the native country, which in turn develops the country further, because the native country realises the value of well educated people.
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