CBSE 2017 Class 12 Economics Outside Delhi Set-1

Question : 14
Total: 18
Distinguish (a) between current account and capital account, and (b) between autonomous transactions and accommodating transactions of balance of payments account.
 Current Account BOP  Capital Account BOP
 (i) It records exports and imports of goods and services and current transfers.  It records all such transactions between residents of country and rest of the world which causes a change in the ownership of the assets.
 (ii) Transactions of current account does not affect asset liability status of the country in relation to the rest of the world.  Transaction of capital account affect the asset liability status of the country in relation to the rest of the world.
 (iii) Current account transactions impact capital account transactions, Example: Deficit on current account often leads to borrow ing.  Capital account transactions impact current account transactions. Example : FDI leads to factor income to the rest of the world.
 (iv) Principal components of current account BOP are:
 Principal components of capital account BOP are:
 (1) export and import of goods  (1) borrowing, and
 (2) export and import of services, and  (2) foreign investment
 (3) current transfers  

 Autonomous transactions (BOP)  Accommodating transactions (BOP)
 (i) Autonomous transactions refer to such BOP transactions which are under-taken for consideration of profit.  Accommodating transactions are free from the considera. tions of profit.
  (ii) Autonomous items are the cause of BOP imbalance (BOP surplus or BOP deficit)  Accomodating items are meant to restore BOP balance.
 (iii) Autonomous items may involve the movement of goods across the borders (like export and import of consumer goods or capital goods).  Accommodating items do not in. volve the movement of goods across the borders. These items only involve the movement of official reserves with the RBI.
 (iv) Autonomous items are classified as 'above the line' items of BOP.  Accomodating items are classified as 'below the line' items of BOP.
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