CBSE 2020 Class 12 English Outside Delhi Set 2 Paper

Question : 1
Total: 11
(Writing Skills)

The number of private vehicles is increasing in the cities. It leads to traffic jams and a rise in air pollution levels. The only solution seems to be that people start using public transport. Write an article in 150-200 words on the topic, 'Importance of Public Transport'. You are Sanjith/Ranjitha.
By Ranjitha/Sanjith
Out of several issues doing rounds in the country, heavy traffic congestion accompanied with pollution is one of the biggest problems that is faced by everyone in the country. A gradual increment of traffic has been observed in major cities. However, resorting to public transport will definitely solve a lion's share of this problem.
In order to curb the rising pollution, public transport such as buses, should be actively used. With good connectivity throughout the city; this mode of transport could easily be utilised at an optimum level. Travelling by bus not only is cheaper than on your own vehicle but also is a step towards pollution control.
Moreover, citizens can use car-pooling or alternative modes of transport for commuting. Using transport such as cycling, will keep both their health and pollution in check. Being the vigilant citizens of the country, it becomes our moral obligation to avail the services offered by the government and work towards the betterment of the country.
As it says, "A developed country is not a place where the poor have cars. It's where the rich use public transport."
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