CBSE 2022 Class 12 English Outside Delhi Set 2 Paper

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Answer any two of the following in about 120-150 words each.
Question : 10
Total: 12
The objects of beauty remove the gloom from our lives. Discuss with reference to the poem 'A Thing of Beauty'.
Beauty, according to Keats, is a source of eternal joy. In this poem, Keats talks about the beautiful elements of nature, the loveliness of which diminishes the gloom from our lives. These natural things of beauty are the sun, the moon, the daffodils, the green fields, the young and old trees providing cool shade to the sheep, and the clear streams by the bank of which blooms a fair musk-rose. The sight of all these beautiful things of nature gives us hope to live in this mundane world. These objects of beauty are like an endless fountain of nectar. It soothes our spirits and gives us good health, sound sleep, and mental peace. The poet also sees beauty in the death of martyrs and legends. "The mighty dead' are those martyrs who bravely sacrificed their lives for their land. We honour them by erecting magnificent, grand sepulchres which are beautiful as they inspire and enthuse us. If one looks around, there are innumerable beautiful things. They flow endlessly unto us as a fountain from heaven to help the pitiable humans to cope with the harshness of their lives.
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