CBSE 2022 Class 12 English Outside Delhi Set 2 Paper

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Answer any two of the following in about 120-150 words each.
Question : 12
Total: 12
How was Gandhi able to influence the lawyers? Give instances.
Gandhi was able to influence the lawyers through his conviction, earnestness, and pertinent questioning. Gandhi reproached the lawyers of Muzzafarpur for charging a large sum of money as fee from the peasants. Later the lawyers from Bihar opined that they would return to their own places in the event of his imprisonment. But Gandhi made them realise that it would be impudent for them being lawyers from a neighbouring place to return when a stranger was ready to get himself imprisoned for the peasants. So they agreed to follow him to jail. Gandhi also convinced the lawyers not to seek support from an Englishman and be self-reliant. In this way, Gandhiji influenced the lawyers.
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