CBSE Class 10 Science 2017 Outside Delhi Term II Set 2 Paper

Question : 10
Total: 12
Describe reproduction by spores in Rhizopus.
Rhizopus is a fungus that reproduces by spore formation. The fungal hyphae gives rise to a globular structure known as sporangium. The sporangium gives rise to several spores by repetitive division of its nucleus. Each nucleus gets surrounded by a part of cytoplasm and thus develops into a spore. These spores then mature inside the sporangium. Once they are fully mature, the sporangium bursts to release these spores in the environment. Since the spores disperse through air, they can land on various sites. These sites may be favourable or unfavorable. During unfavorable conditions, these spores are protected by a tough coat. Once favourable conditions return, they germinate and grow into new hyphae.
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