CBSE Class 10 Science 2019 Outside Delhi Set 1

Question : 24
Total: 27
List in proper sequence four steps of obtaining germinating dicot seeds.
After examining a prepared slide under the high power of a compound microscope, a student concludes that the given slide shows the various stages of binary fission in a unicellular organism. Write two observations on the basis of which such a conclusion may be drawn.
(i) The root is formed when radicle of seed grows.
(ii) The root grows downward into the soil and absorbs water and minerals from the soil.
(iii) The shoot is formed from the upward growth of plumule.
(iv) The green leaves are developed when shoot comes above the ground.
(i) The nucleus of mature cell seems elongated and a grove is formed in cell which divides the nucleus.
(ii) A single parent divides to form two daughter cells. Constriction appears due to the division of the cytoplasm.
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