CBSE Class 10 Science 2022 Outside Delhi Term II Set 1

Question : 5
Total: 15
"The improvement in our lifestyle has led to the generation of large amount of waste material." List two reasons to justify this statement.
"The change in packaging has resulted in waste becoming non-biodegradable."
Giving two examples from daily life, justify this statement.
The improvement in our lifestyle have led to large consumption of resources and greater amounts of waste generation. It has been a trend to use disposable materials like cups, plates, spoons etc in marriages and parties. These are usually made up of non-biodegradable substances like plastic and Styrofoam which eventually results in polluting our environment.
Another example is the use of disposable plastic cups in trains. These leads to generation of a lot of plastic waste. However, they are being slowly replaced by paper cups to reduce the burden on the environment.
The change in packaging has resulted in waste becoming non-degradable. The above statement can be supported by two facts -
1. The demand for increasing the shelf life of products and transporting goods over large distances is increasing, so the plastics and polyethene packing is preferred. Less use of biodegradable products such as paper bag, cloth bag etc has also resulted in waste becoming non-biodegradable.
2. Conventional plastics are manufactured and used for packaging applications in different sectors. These petroleum-based plastics are non-degradable which has created severe ecological problems to the environment like a threat to aquatic life and degrading air quality.
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