CBSE Class 12 Business Studies 2014 Outside Delhi Set 1 Paper

Question : 24
Total: 37
State any four advantages of external sources of recruitment.
External sources refer to the sources that are exogenous to the organisation, i.e. they are available outside the organisation. The following are the benefits of external sources of recruitment:
(i) Infusion of new talent: As the vacancies are filled through external sources of recruitment, there is an infusion of new blood in the organisation but in internal recruitment it is not possible. In other words, with the selection of new talents in the organisation, the scope of efficiency increases to a higher level.
(ii) Wide range of choice: Another benefit of external sources over the internal sources is that it provides a wider range of choices for selection because there are large number of applicants but in internal recruitment there is limited number of applicant. External sources cover a wide area. As against this, internal sourcing restricts the choice to a very few people within the organisation.
(iii) Fairness: Being an open process, external recruitment provides opportunity to all prospective candidates to apply for the vacant position in the organisation. This, in turn widens its options of selection.
(iv) Specialised personnel: If external sources are used, then an organisation has the advantage of hiring specialised and trained candidates for particular jobs. As technology keeps changing, sometime the existing employees may not be able to handle new technologies and hiring new talent becomes a necessity.
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