CBSE Class 12 Business Studies 2014 Outside Delhi Set 1 Paper

Question : 30
Total: 37
Differentiate between formal and informal organisation on the basis of the following:
(i) Meaning
(ii) Origin
(iii) Authority
(v) Flow of communication
(vi) Nature
With the help of any four points, explain the importance of 'Decentralisation' in an organisation.
 Basis of difference  Formal organisation  Informal organisation
 Meaning  Formal organisation refers to the organisation structure in which job of every member is clearly defined.  Informal organisation refers to a network of interpersonal relationship in which each member can directly interact each other.
 Behaviour  Complete control on the behaviour of employees as it is decided by managers  No control on the behaviour of employees as managers will not interfere with the behaviour of employees unless it results in a negative impact on the organisation.
 Origin  The structure originates from the rules and policies of the management.  The structure originates from the social interactions among the employees.
 Authority  Employees are bound by hierarchical structure.  All members are equal.
 Flow of communication  Communication flows through the scalar chain.  No planned route of communication is followed.
 Nature  Formal organisations are rigid  Informal organisations are flexible i.e., can be change.
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