CBSE Class 12 Business Studies 2019 Delhi set 1

Question : 25
Total: 40
Explain any four points of importance of 'Organising'.
Importance of organising :
(i) Benefits of specialisation : The total work is divided into different parts. Such division reduces the work load and enhances the productivity. Repetitive performance of a particular work helps a worker to get speclised in that area.
(ii) Optimum utilisation of resources : All jobs are clearly defined and differentiated. The proper allocation of jobs helps in avoiding overlapping duplication of work, which helps in minimising the wastage of resources and efforts.
(iii) Effective Administration: Organising clarifies jobs, duties and authority responsibility relationship. This help in avoiding confusion and duplication which enables proper execution of work.
(iv) Expansion and growth: It promotes growth and diversification of an enterprise. It enables a business enterprise to add more job positions, department and even diversify their product lines.
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