CBSE Class 12 Business Studies 2019 Outside Delhi set 1

Question : 20
Total: 44
Explain any four features of business environment.
Features of business environment are as follows:
(i) Specific and general forces: Business environment consists of specific forces like suppliers, customers, competitors, financiers, etc., which directly and separately influence the operations of business in an industry. General forces are overall social, environmental, economic, political, etc. encompassing individuals, institutions, societal norms or changes that affect business operations in a particular industry indirectly and/or equally.
(ii) Dynamic nature: Business environment is very flexible and keeps changing as there are multiple factors in action at any given time. It is not static and cannot be monitored or predicted.
(iii) Complex in nature: Business environment is a combination of multiple factors (micro or macro level) which affects businesses differently. These factors consist of number of events, conditions and influences arising from different sources leading to a complex environment. Interactions between these factors can create new sets of influences and conditions making it difficult to determine which factors led to a particular situation or set of situations. For example, the outbreak of diseases or epidemics like Ebola, Swine mathrmflu, etc. can create a complex environment for pharmaceutical and healthcare industries who seek feasible solutions to contain and eradicate such diseases.
(iv) Uncertainty: Business environment is characterised with uncertainty as it is very difficult to predict possible changes, mainly when changes are taking place too frequently.
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