CBSE Class 12 Business Studies 2022 Delhi set 2

Question : 4
Total: 4
State any five points of difference between 'Primary Market' and 'Secondary Market'.
 Basis of Difference  Primary Market  Secondary Market
 Securities Traded  Primary market deals solely in the sale and purchase of newly issued securities.  Secondary market deals in the sale and purchase of already existing securities.
 Securities Issued  Securities are directly issued by the companies.  Securities are transferred between the investors only. There is no involvement of a company here.
 Price of Security  The prices of securities are determined by the company and its management.  The prices of securities are determined by the forces of demand and supply.
 Geographical Area  There is no fixed place for a primary market.
That is, all institutions and companies constitute a primary market.
 Under a secondary market, trading takes place at specified locations and areas.
 Purchase and Sale  Securities can only be purchased.  Securities can be purchased as well as sold.
 Promotion of Capital Formation  Capital formation is directly promoted funds from savers to investors are directly channelised to their most productive uses.  Capital formation is indirectly promoted as the liquidity of securities is augmented.
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