CBSE Class 12 Business Studies 2022 Delhi set 3

Question : 4
Total: 4
State the difference between 'Capital Market' and 'Money Market' on any five basis.
 Basis of Differences  Money Market  Capital Market
 Time Span of Securities  It mainly deals in the trading of short-term securities and the maturity period is from one day to one year.  It deals in the trading of medium and long-term securities and the maturity period is more than one year.
 Liquidity  The securities traded are highly liquid in nature because Discount and Finance House of India discounts money market securities and provides a ready market for them.  The securities traded are liquid in nature because they are tradable on stock exchanges. Though, they are less liquid in comparison to the money market securities.
 Expected Returns  Expected returns are lower due to the short duration of time.  Expected returns are higher because of the possibility of capital gains, regular dividends and bonus in the long term.
 Instruments  It includes certificate of deposits, commercial bills, treasury bills and other short-term securities.  It includes equity shares, bonds, debentures, preference shares and other long-term securities.
 Risk Capital  Money market securities involves less risk due to the shorter duration and sound financial position of the issuers.  Capital market securities involve greater risk due to longer duration and also in terms of repayment of the principal amount.
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