CBSE Class 12 Chemistry 2019 Outside Delhi Set 1 Solved Paper

Question : 8
Total: 9
Give reasons for the following :
(a) Transition metals form complex compounds.
(b) Eo values for (Zn2+Zn) and (Mn2+Mn) are more negative than expected.
(c) Actinoids show wide range of oxidation states.
(a) Transition metals are able to form complex compounds due to the small size of metal, high ionic charge and availability of vacant d-orbital.
(b) E values of (Mn2+Mn) and (Zn2+Zn) are more negative than expected due to the greater stability of half filled d-subshell of Mn2+(3d5) and completely filled d-subshell of Zn2+(3d10).
(c) Due to a very small energy gap between 5f,6d and 7 s-subshells resulting in easier excitation of the outermost electrons to higher energy levels.
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