CBSE Class 12 Chemistry 2023 Delhi Set 2 Solved Paper

Question : 11
Total: 12
(a) On the basis of crystal field theory write the electronic configuration for d5 ion with a weak ligand for which delta $0 (b) Explain [Fe(CN)6]3 is an inner orbital complex whereas [FeF6]3 is an outer orbital complex.
[Atomic number: Fe=26 ]
It is a magnitude difference in energy between the two sets of d-orbital i.e. t2g and eg electronic configuration of d5 if Δ0<P
thent2g3 and eg2
Because it follows weak field ligand phenomina when weak field ligands are present in a structure pairing of electrons do not take place.
∵ so
(b) [Fe(CN)6]3=CN is strong field ligand
Inner d-complex
If strong field ligand is available then
Δ0>P=t2g5 eg
In [Fe(F6)]3,Fe=[Ar]3d64s2
with a weak field ligand Δ0<P
so, there is no pairing of electrons in 3d orbitals.
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