CBSE Class 12 Chemistry 2023 Delhi Set 2 Solved Paper

Question : 12
Total: 12
(a) A transition element X has electronic configuration |Ar|4s23d3, Predict its likely oxidation states.
(b) Complete the reaction mentioning all the products formed:
(c) Account for the following
(i) In the 3d transition series, zinc has the lowest, enthalpy of atomisation.
(ii) Cu+ion is unstable in aqueous solution.
(iii) Actinoids show more number of oxidation states than lanthanoids.
(a) The X-element is vanadium (V)
Its electronic configuration is [Ar] 3d34s2
Likely oxidation state: +2,+3,+4,+5
(b) 2KMnO4
(c) (i) Zn=30[Ar]4s23d10
The d-orbital is fully filled in zinc (Zn). There is no unpaired electrons are available. Inter atomic bonding is weak because of which metallic bonding is also weak.
(ii) Cu=[Ar]3d94s2
In aqueous medium it exist as Cu+loosing one e but because of high hydration enthalpy it readily converted into Cu2+. It also show disproportion reaction because of which the reaction take place.
2Cu2+ Cu2++Cu
(iii) Actinoids are radioactive in nature. They have almost similar enthalpy of actinides. Therefore, they shows more actinoids contraction than lanthinoids contraction. They have more poor shielding of 5f orbitals than 4f orbitals.
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