NCERT Class XI Chemistry Environmental Chemistry Solutions

Question : 8
Total: 20
What are the harmful effects of photochemical smog and how can they be controlled?
The components of photochemical smog are : O3, NO, Acrolein, formaldehyde and PAN. Such smog causes damage to human health and property.
(i) Effect on organisms :
O3 and PAN are eye-irritants.
O3 + NO irritate the nose and throat, cause headache, chest pain, cough and breathing problems.
• Damage to plant life
(ii) Damage to property :
These chemicals cause
• cracking of rubber
• corrosion of metals, stones, rubber and painted surfaces.
If the primary precursors of photochemical smog such as NO2 and hydrocarbons and the secondary precursors such as ozone and PAN can be controlled, then photochemical smog will be automatically reduced.
Catalytic converters are used in automobiles, which prevent the release of nitrogen oxide and hydrocarbons in the atmosphere. Certain plants e.g., Pinus, Juniparus, Quercus, Pyrus and Vitis can metabolise nitrogen oxide and therefore, their plantation could help in reducing photochemical smog.
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