NCERT Class XI Chemistry Hydrocarbons Solutions
Question : 1
Total: 25
How do you account for the formation of ethane during chlorination of methane?
Initiation : The chlorination of methane follows a free radical mechanism. Initially, by the action of heat or sunlight on Cl2, the Cl – Cl bond breaks.
C l
C l →
+ C
Propagation : This produces two free radicals which abstract a hydrogen free radical from the methane molecule thereby generating a methyl free radical.
+ H
C H 3 → H − C l +
Termination : Now this methyl free radical may either combine with a chlorine free radical to form the desired product – chloromethane or may combine with another methyl radical to form an ethane molecule.
This is how ethane is generated during the chlorination of methane.
Propagation : This produces two free radicals which abstract a hydrogen free radical from the methane molecule thereby generating a methyl free radical.
Termination : Now this methyl free radical may either combine with a chlorine free radical to form the desired product – chloromethane or may combine with another methyl radical to form an ethane molecule.
This is how ethane is generated during the chlorination of methane.
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