NCERT Class XI Chemistry Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry Solutions

Question : 21
Total: 36
The following data are obtained when dinitrogen and dioxygen react together to form different compounds :
Mass of dinitrogen Mass of dioxygen
(i) 14 g16 g
(ii) 14 g 32 g
(iii) 28 g 32 g
(iv) 28 g80 g

(a) Which law of chemical combination is obeyed by the above experimental data? Give its statement.
(b) Fill in the blanks in the following conversions :
(i) 1 km = .............. mm = .............. pm
(ii) 1 mg = .............. kg = .............. ng
(iii) 1 mL = .............. L = .............. dm3
(a) Law of multiple proportions : This law was proposed by Dalton in 1803. It states that “If two elements can combine to form more than one compound the masses of one element that combine with a fixed mass of the other element are in the ratio of small whole numbers. Fixing the mass of dinitrogen as 28 g, masses of dioxygen combined will be 32, 64, 32 and 80 g in the given four oxides. These are in the ratio of 2 : 4 : 2 : 5 which is a simple whole number ratio. Hence, the given data obeys the law of multiple proportions.
(b) (i) 106 mm, 1015 pm
(ii) 106 kg, 106 ng
(iii) 103 L, 103dm3
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