Physical World

Question : 9
Total: 16
Write in about 1000 words a fiction piece based on your speculation on the science and technology of the twenty-second century.
Imagine a space ship heading towards a star about 100 light years away. It is propelled by electric current generated by electromagnetic induction, as the space ship crosses the magnetic fields in space. The current is given to an electric motor made of superconducting wires. Thus, no energy would be required to propagate the space ship over its entire journey.
In a particular region of the space, suppose the temperature becomes so high that the superconducting property of the wires of the motor is destroyed. This causes a panic in the space ship because no power is generated by the motor.
In a split second, another space ship filled with matter and antimatter stored in different compartments to produce energy for the first ship comes to its rescue. And the first ship continues its onward journey.
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