NCERT Class XII Chemistry
Chapter - Amines
Questions with Solutions

Question : 4
Total: 22
Arrange the following :
(i) In decreasing order of the pKb values:
C2H5NH2,C6H5NHCH3,(C2H5)2NH and C6H5NH2
(ii) In increasing order of basic strength:
C6H5NH2,C6H5N(CH3)2,(C2H5)2NH and CH3NH2
(iii) In increasing order of basic strength:
(a) Aniline, p-nitroaniline and p-toluidine
(b) C6H5NH2,C6H5NHCH3, C6H5CH2NH2.
(iv) In decreasing order of basic strength in gas phase:
C2H5NH2,(C2H5)2NH,(C2H5)3N and NH3
(v) In increasing order of boiling point :
(vi) In increasing order of solubility in water :
(i) The order of pKb will decrease as :

(ii) C6H5NH2<C6H5N(CH3)2<CH3NH2<(C2H5)2NH

(iii) p-Nitroaniline < Aniline < p-Toluidine
The availability of l.p. on N of p-nitroaniline is drastically reduced by presence of electron withdrawing NO2 group on it. In contrast, presence of electron releasing CH3 group increases the electron density on N atom and improves basicity in p-toluidine.
(b) C6H5NH2<C6H5NHCH3<C6H5CH2NH2
Involvement of l.p. of N in resonance causes aniline to have low basicity. In II, the –Me group through its +I effect improves the electron density on N and therefore its basic strength increases. In III, the NH2 is farther off from benzene ring and hence l.p. is localized on it and hence the basic strength is highest.
(iv) In gas phase, basicity follows the order :
In gas phase, the stabilization by solvation is not present and hence basicstrength follows the expected order based on +I effect of alkyl groups.
(v) (CH3)2NH<C2H5NH2<C2H5OH
(vi) C6H5NH2<(C2H5)2NH<C2H5NH2
Amines can form hydrogen bonds with water and are therefore soluble init. However, the solubility decreases if the mass of the hydrocarbon partincreases.
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