NCERT Class XII Chemistry
Chapter - Chemical Kinetics
Questions with Solutions

Question : 12
Total: 39
The reaction between A and B is first order with respect to A and zero order with respect to B. Fill in the blanks in the following table :
 Experiment  [A]molL1  [B]molL1  Initial rate/mol L1min1
 I  0.1  0.1  2.0×102
 II  –  0.2  4.0×102
 III  0.4  0.4  –
 IV   –  0.2  2.0×102
The reaction is first order with respect to A and zero order withrespect to B, hence the rate expression will be =k[A]1[B]0=k[A]
From expt. I: 2.0×102=k(0.1)
or, k=0.2 min1
From expt. II: 4.0×102=(0.2)×[A]
[A]=0.2 molL1
From expt. III: Rate =(0.2)(0.4)=0.08 mol L1 min1
=8×102 mol L1 min1
From expt. IV: 2.0×102=(0.2)×[A]
[A]=0.1 mol L1
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