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Question Numbers : (61 to 65)
The letters of the English alphabet in the same order are arranged around a circle in clock-wise direction. The letters are coded as follows,
(i) A vowel is coded as the second vowel from it taken in anti-clock wise direction.
(ii) A consonant is coded as the fifth consonant from it taken in anti-clock wise direction.
(iii) Reverse process is used for decoding.
Answer questions 61 to 65 using this coding and decoding process.
The letters of the English alphabet in the same order are arranged around a circle in clock-wise direction. The letters are coded as follows,
(i) A vowel is coded as the second vowel from it taken in anti-clock wise direction.
(ii) A consonant is coded as the fifth consonant from it taken in anti-clock wise direction.
(iii) Reverse process is used for decoding.
Answer questions 61 to 65 using this coding and decoding process.
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