AP SET Exam 2019 Solved Paper

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Question Numbers: 11-15
Direction: Read the following passage and answer the questions.
Every opinion survey assumes that everyone can have an opinion; in other words, the producing of an opinion is something available to all. At the risk of offending a naively democratic sentiment, I would contest this first assumption. Secondly: it is assumed that all opinions are of equal value. I think it can be shown that this is untrue and that the cumulation of opinions that do not have the same strengths leads to the production of meaningless artifacts. The third implicit postulate is this: putting the same question to everyone assumes that there is agreement on the questions that are worth asking.
It appears to me that the crux of the problem is the meaning of the answers to certain questions. Imagine a group of questions like the following: 'Are you in favour of sexual equality ?', 'Are you in favour of the sexual independence of married couples ?' 'Are you in favour of non-repressive education ?... Now imagine another type of question, like: 'should teachers go on strike when their jobs are threatened ?', 'Should teachers act in solidarity with other civil service employees during periods of social conflict ?' These two groups of questions receive replies structured inversely in relation to social class. The first group of questions, which deal with a certain kind of change in social relations, in the symbolic form of social relations, provokes responses which are increasingly favourable as one ascends the social hierarchy and the hierarchy by level of education; Inversely, the questions which deal with real transformations of the power relations between classes provoke an increasingly unfavourable response as one ascends the social hierarchy.
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Question : 13
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