AP TET Paper 1 Model Paper 5 (తెలుగు)

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(61-65): Read the following passage carefully to answer the questions. Gangadhara Tilak was teacher in a high school. Bala Gangadhara Tilak was his son. When he was a boy Tilak liked Sanskrit. whenever he learnt a sloka in sanskrit, his father give him some money. Tilak was very intelligent. He had good memory. He learnt English grammar, Sanskrit and mathematics very easily. Though he went to school like others, he learnt real education from his father. He was free from fear from his childhood. He had the nature of fighting truth and justice.
  When his father was in pune. Tilak was sent to an English school there. Tilak passed three classes in two years. But he could not adjust with his teachers. When his teacher asked him todo a sum, he did not do it on slate. He gave the answer orally. When his teacher asked him to do sum on a slate. Tilak replied that there was no need. When his teacher asked him to do the sum on the black board he refuses.
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Question : 62
Total: 150
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