Correct answer - "The load balancer is highly available and its public IP may change. The DNS is
constant" : When your load balancer is created, it receives a public DNS name that clients can
use to send requests. The DNS servers resolve the DNS name of your load balancer to the public
IP addresses of the load balancer nodes for your load balancer Never resolve the IP of load
balancer, always use the DNS name.
"Your security groups are not stable" - You security groups to allow your load balancer to work
with registered instances. Its stable if set correctly. If your application is working and stops
after a while the issue is not security groups
"You need to enable stickiness" - This enables the load balancer to bind a user's session to a
specific instance
"You need to disable multi AZ deployments" - This has no effect because the change is happening
with the IP of the load balancer