Correct answers - "The security group of the EC2 instance does not allow for traffic from the
security group of the Application Load Balancer & The route for the health check is
misconfigured" : You must ensure that your load balancer can communicate with registered targets
on both the listener port and the health check port. Whenever you add a listener to your load
balancer or update the health check port for a target group used by the load balancer to route
requests, you must verify that the security groups associated with the load balancer allow
traffic on the new port in both directions.
"The EBS volumes have been improperly mounted" - Using the IP address does work so this cannot be
the answer
"Your web-app has a runtime that is not supported by the Application Load Balancer" - There is no
connection between a web app and the application load balancer. They are don't have an effect on
each other for this issue
"You need to attach Elastic IP to the EC2 instances" -Elastic IPs are not required for using an
Application Load Balancer