Explanation: Amazon CloudFront is a content distribution network. A content delivery network or contentdistribution network (CDN) is a large distributed system of servers deployed in multiple data centersacross the world. The location of the data center used for CDN is called edge location. AmazonCloudFront can cache static content at each edge location. This means that your popular staticcontent (e.g., your site's logo, navigational images, cascading style sheets, JavaScript code, etc.) willbe available at a nearby edge location for the browsers to download with low latency and improvedperformance for viewers. Caching popular static content with Amazon CloudFront also helps youoffload requests for such files from your origin sever? CloudFront serves the cached copy whenavailable and only makes a request to your origin server if the edge location receiving the browser'srequest does not have a copy of the file. Reference: http://aws.amazon.com/cloudfront/