CAT Exam Model Paper 1 with solutions for free online practice

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Directions (Q. Nos. 51-54) Read the following passage and solve the questions based on it.
On the occasion of the New Year celebrations, eight families went to Goa. Each member o f the various families spent a particular amount during thecarnival,but the total amount spent by any family was always an integer. Given below is the average amount spent by each member o f the various families:
Name of the family Average amount spent per person Name of the family Average amount spent per person Name of the family Average amount spent per person Name of the family Average amount spent per person
Gagan 2.125 Lapa 3.1428 Rio 2.111 Apang 3.25
Kumar 3.166 Zora 4.5 Chaman 5.20 Sarkar 4.33

(i) The number of members in the Gagan family was four more than that of the Chaman family.
(ii) The number o f members o f the Apang family was half of that of the Sarkar family.
(iii) The number o f members in the Chaman family was lessthan the sum of that of the Lapa and the Zora.
(iv) Sum of the number o f members o f the Lapa family and the Zora family was 28.
(v) The sum of the members of the Sarkar family and the Apang family was equal to the number of the members of theRio family as well as the Kumar family.
(vi) The number of persons in any family varied between 12 and 36.
Question : 51
Total: 100
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