From Statement A: Some of the cases possible according to Statement A are given below (left to right in the decreasing order of ages): 1. Steven Frank Wayne Lampard Rooney Gerrard 2. Steven Frank WayneRooney LampardGerrard 3. Steven Frank Rooney Wayne Gerrard Lampard Clearly, Statement A is insufficient to Find who is the youngest among the 6 brothers. From Statement B: The following are the only two possibilities for the correct order of the decreasing ages (left to right) for the brothers which can be derived from Statement B: 1. Steven______Gerrard Wayne______________ 2. Steven Gerrard_______ ______ Wayne______ The exact place for Frank, Lampard and Rooney cannot be decided in the above two arrangements. Combining Statement A and Statement B: The only possible order (loft to right in the decreasing order of ages) is: Steven Gerrard Frank Rooney Wayne Lampard So Lampard is the youngest. Hence, the question can be answered by using both the statements together, but cannot be answered by using either statement alone.