CDS Model Paper 3 English

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DIRECTIONS (Qs. 56-75): In the following passage at certain points you are given a choice of three words marked (a),(b) and (c), one of which fits the meaning of the passage. Choose the best word out of the three. Mark the letter, viz, (a), (b) or (c), relating to this word on your Answer Sheet.
We all like listening to 56. (a) lectures/ (b) theories/(c) stories and the person who is good 57. (a) on / (b) at/ (c) by telling stories will always be a 58. (a) popular/ (b) good/(c) necessary member of any company. The art 59. (a) on/ (b) of/ (c) at good storytelling covers much more than 60. (a) describing/ (b) making / (c) showing up fabulous adventures; it includes telling 61. (a) about/ (b) by/ (c) for the doings of living people or 62. (a) insignificant/ (b) dead/ (c) famous men and women of the past, 63. (a) in/ (b) about/ (c) through your own travels and adventures and 64. (a) experiences/ (b) desires/ (c) worries about the books you have read 65. (a) either/ (b) all/ (c) and the films you have seen. Practising 66. (a) an/ (b) a/ (c) the art of story telling can be very 67. (a) useful too/ (b) dangerous/ (c) contagious. It will help you to 68 . (a) listen / (b) remember/ (c) think clearly and logically, to sort out 69. (a) her ideas/ (b) their / (c) your ideas to express yourself clearly and 70. (a) timidly,/ (b) effectively/ (c) bluntly to gain and hold the attention 71. (a) at others./ (b) on/ (c) of. It will help you to 72. (a) shake / (b) lay (c) hit off shyness and self- consciousness, and give 73. (a) she / (b) you/ (c) I that feeling of freedom 74. (a) then / (b) what/ (c) which is so important to 75. (a) success/ (b) victory/ (c) gain in life.
Question : 70
Total: 120
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