CTET 2 Math and Science Feb 2014 Paper

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Section-III : Language I - English
DIRECTIONS (Q. Nos. 91 to 99) :
Read the given passage andanswer the questions that follow by selecting the mostappropriate option.

Have you ever wondered what the qualities of a really professionalteacher are? I know that all teachers want their students to likethem, but being liked isn’t the be-all and end-all really, is it? Imean teachers have to make some unpopular decisions sometimes.Teachers can be popular just because they are friendly and helpful,but to be truly professional and effective, we need to be able toidentify the skills and behaviour we require in a true professional.A professional teacher needs to be confident without beingarrogant. Nobody can expect to have all the answers, so, if astudent asks a real stinker, the professional teacher should beable to admit defeat but offer to find out more for the student.And they must carry that promise out When the teacher entersthe classroom, she/he should have all the required materials andthe lesson-plan ready. And, in orchestrating the class, the teachermust give everyone their chance to contribute and should beflexible enough to modify lessons if they are obviously not goingto plan. Indeed, a fallback position is part of good planning. Itstands to reason also that a teacher must observe punctualityand appropriate tidiness and dress: it is not possible to demandsuch behaviour from students if the teacher doesn’t set thestandards.

The last thing I would mention is that teachers should beable to feel that their professionalism entitles them to back upfrom the school directors. If a teacher has a problem class orstudent, then the school should have procedures for handlingthe difficulties. The teacher should not have to feel alone andvulnerable if a difficult situation arises. So, yes, professionalismcuts both ways: in the standards we demand of teachers and theframework we have for giving them support.
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Question : 93
Total: 120
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