IBPS PO Mains 2019 Paper for online practice

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Directions (Qs. No. 56-60): Refer to the data below andanswer the questions that follow.
 8 Farmers namely, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R and S growdifferent crops viz. Bajra, Rice, Wheat, Jute, Sugarcane,Cotton, Maize and Pulses (Not necessarily in that order). They get water from different rivers—Banas, Saryu, Betwa,Sindh, Hindon, Chambal, Gomti and Son. Origins of theserivers are Aravali, Shaharanpur, Manpur, Amarkantak,Pilibhit, Karnali, Malwa and Vindhya. These rivers havedifferent lengths viz; 350, 400, 470, 512, 590, 784, 900and 960 (in Kms). L and N grow wheat and jute notnecessarily in that order. River Hindon, which has a lengthin the multiple of 100 supports Sugarcane cultivation. Thesum of the lengths of River Hindon and the river whichoriginates from Malwa is 870. The sum of the lengths ofthe rivers originating from Aravali and Pilibhit is less than1500 Km. Length of river Chambal is not a multiple of100. Neither P nor R grows maize. The second longest riversupports the cultivation of Maize and originates fromPilibhit. River Son does not originate from Karnali. Qgrows Bajra which is supported by river Banas. Length ofthe river Banas is not a multiple of 10 and it originateseither from Vindhya or from Aravali. River Betwa whichoriginates from Vindhya, supports wheat cultivation. NeitherRiver Chambal nor River Gomti is 470 Km long. Thelength of river originating from Manpur is a multiple of 3but not 900 and water of the same river is used by M. Length of River Amarkantak is more than the length of theriver from Vindhya. Rice is supported by Saryu river, whichis the smallest river. River having length 400 Km, originatesfrom Shaharanpur. The river which is the smallest does notsupport the cultivation of R’s crop. Pulses are grown by Swith the water from River Son. N’s crop is dependent onthe river which originates from Malwa.
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