KSET Exam 2016 Solved Paper
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Question Numbers: 43-48
Answer questions based on the following data :
Total number of candidates appeared for an examination = 7553
Total number of subjects in the course = 05
Those who got pass marks in all the subjects = 1690
Those who failed in all the subjects = 682
Those who failed in two subjects = 2144
Those who passed in one subject only = 923
Those who failed in three subjects = NIL
Answer questions based on the following data :
Total number of candidates appeared for an examination = 7553
Total number of subjects in the course = 05
Those who got pass marks in all the subjects = 1690
Those who failed in all the subjects = 682
Those who failed in two subjects = 2144
Those who passed in one subject only = 923
Those who failed in three subjects = NIL
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