Management Aptitude Test Sep 2013 Paper

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With changing dynamics of the current workforce, freedom at work has taken a new meaning as organisations are using novel ways to engage employees. While freedom loads to a sense o f empowerment, it can be enjoyed in the true sense only if people exercise freedom with a sense o f responsibility. To meet the changing demands o f the workforce in the New Year, organisations will have to try hard to imbibe a culture where employees work with a sense of freedom.
From flexi working hours to work-from-home; from extended maternity leaves to opportunities to pursue hobbies while at work, organisations are identifying innovative ways to engage and retain talent. Nowadays, social media plays a crucial role in employer's engagement programmes. Companies should use social media techniques to come up with a ’section' in their own website where employees get a chance to express their feelings in term s o f work on a platform, which at the same time, will also be privately monitored. Freedom o f speech is demonstrated by creating multiple platforms for employees to communicate with the top management and voice their concerns.
The employees should be provided with opportunities to choose the career path that best suits their talent, provides platform s to air their opinions and ask questions; ensures fairness and lucidity and provides equal opportunities. Those days o f waiting for a weekly email or quarterly newsletter are over. Each employee wants to be communicated in-person in an emotively-visual manner. So ’what is in it for me?' is what the New Year promises. Brevity and creativity, low attention spans and fate-deciding Twitter-Instagram are content trends that today’s employees are getting.
Question : 20
Total: 200
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