An n-type semiconductor is created by doping an intrinsic (pure) se that has more valence electrons than the semiconductor. Silicon (S For an n-type semiconductor, one would typically dope it with an el periodic table (pentavalent), which has five valence electrons. Here are the options analyzed: Option A: Si doped with B (Boron) Boron is a group III element (trivalent), which has three valence electrons. If silicon is doped with boron, it will create a p-type semiconductor because boron will introduce holes (positive charge carriers) into the silicon crystal. Option B: Si doped with P (Phosphorus) Phosphorus is a group V element (pentavalent), which has five valence electrons. When silicon is doped with phosphorus, it will create an n-type semiconductor because the extra electron from each phosphorus atom will become a free electron (negative charge carrier) in the silicon crystal. Option C: Si doped with Ga (Gallium) Gallium is a group III element (trivalent). Similar to boron, gallium would create a p-type semiconductor when used to dope silicon for the same reasons explained under option A. Option D: Si doped with In (Indium) Indium is also a group III element (trivalent). Like gallium and boron, indium would result in the formation of a p-type semiconductor when doping silicon. Based on the information above, the correct answer is: Option B: Si doped with P Because doping silicon with phosphorus introduces extra electrons that increase the concentration of free electrons, making it an n-type semiconductor.