Specify a static internal IP for a previously created VM
If you want to set a static IP address for a VM that you previously created, you can do so by using the following cmdlets. If you already set an IP address for the VM and you want to change it to a different IP address, you'll need to remove
the existing static IP address before running these cmdlets. See the instructions below to remove a static IP.
For this procedure, you'll use the Update-AzureVM cmdlet. The Update-AzureVM cmdlet restarts the VM as part of the update process. The DIP that you specify will be assigned after the VM restarts. In this example, we set the IP address
for VM2, which is located in cloud service StaticDemo.
Get-AzureVM -ServiceName StaticDemo -Name VM2 | Set-AzureStaticVNetIP -IPAddress | Update-AzureVM