NDA English Cloze Test

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Selecting Words
  In the following passage, at certain points you are given a choice of four words marked (a), (b), (c), and (d), one of which fits the meaning of the passage. Choose the best word out of the four. Mark the letter, viz., (a),(b),(c),or (d), relating to this word on your Answer Sheet. Examples K and L have been solved for you.
K The (a) boy (b) horse (c) dog (c) cow was in the school in Shimla
L (a) She (b) It (c) He (d) Her was homesick

Explanation: Out of the list given in item K, only, ‘boy’ is the correct answer because usually, a boy, and not a horse, a dog or a cow, attends school. So ‘(a)’ is to be marked on the Answer Sheet for item K. A boy usually referred to as ‘he’,sofor item L, ‘(c)’ is the correct answer. Notice that to solve the first item K you have to read the rest of the sentence and then see what fits best.

After this incident I went to Nainital and returned after nearly a month. I had 21.(a) hardly (b) barely (c) merely (d) rarely taken 22. (a) out (b) away(c) off (d) onmy clothes when I saw Gangu standing 23. (a) by (b) near (c) with (d) at a new baby. He was 24.(a)jumping (b) bursting (c) dancing (d) singing with joy. Even Nanda25. (a) could (b) would (c) should (d) ought not have 26.(a) experimented (b) show (c) should (d) heard such joy 27. (a) at (b) bursting(c) on (d) into getting Krishna. His face had the same 28.(a) light (b) glow (c) sense (d) hope that 29. (a) comes (b) appears (c) rises (d) shows on the face of a 30.(a) starved (b) starving (c) hungry (d) shows man after a full meal.
[NDA II 2017]
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