NIACL Model Paper 3 with solutions for free online practice

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Directions (Q.No. 3 - 6) :
Read thefollowing passage and answer thequestions given below
The word 'clone' has Greek origins.It is derived from the Greek wordklon, which refers to the technique ofproducing new plants using the twigsor buds of existing plants. The wordclone was used primarily for agriculturalpurposes. However, the termacquired an additional meaning whenscience fiction writer Aldous Huxleyreferred to a similar process in hisfamous book A Brave New World,wherein human embryos were splitto produce human clones in largenumbers. The process of duplicatingDNA to create exact copies of animalsand humans caught people's imagination.The noted geneticist andpopular science writer J.B.S. Haldaneis credited with using the word'clone' to describe the possibility ofcreating exact copies of humanbeings. Interestingly, his speechgiven in 1963 was titled 'Biological Possibilities for the Human Speciesof the Next Ten Thousand Years'.
Today the term is used to refer tothe process of producing geneticallyidentical individuals. Widely usedfor selective assisted breeding, cloninginvolves processes which isolateand create copies of DNA fragments.These are used to create an exactgenetic copy of an animal from asingle cell. It has been used to createcopies of sheep, cows and cats.
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