RBI Grade B Officers 2011 feb Paper

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Directions (51–60) : In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.
 The continuing economic crisishas put central banks and governmentsthe world over into (51) waters.For the industrialized West, the questionseems to be a choice between economicstimulus and jobs, in the hopeof creating a softer landing, or a swiftshock at the hands of the free markets,in the hope of getting throughthe (52) more quickly. In emergingmarkets, the question is how to dealwith being the focal point for investorslooking to maximise returns.
 Specifically, for the Federal Reservein the United States, that means(53) hundreds of billions of dollars intothe markets - buying Treasury bills toincrease liquidity. In Europe the concernis that monetary union may be atrisk due to the strains posed by eurozonecountries that are (54) in (55). InAsia, on the other hand, economies aresurging, but the prospect of hot moneyflowing into the region could potentiallyspell (56) due to overheating.
 Fears that the Fed’s secondround of quantitative easing may leadto a faster pace of (57) may be (58).US unemployment remains persistentlyhigh at around 10 per cent, whileinflation remains astoundingly low at1 per cent or less, the slowest onrecord. That’s despite the Fed’s earlierinjection of $1.7 trillion into thefinancial system to avert an economicdepression in the wake of the globalfinancial crisis.
 In contrast to the Fed’s quantitativeeasing, the European CentralBank has reduced liquidity in the Europeanbanking system by some 350billion euros during the past fivemonths. This reflects the centralbank’s (59) in the improved stabilityof the banking system and easier (60)to capital.
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Question : 54
Total: 209
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