SBI Junior Associates Model Paper 12

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Directions (Q.No. 11-15) Readthe following passage carefully andanswer the questions given below it.Certain words have been printed inbold to help you locate them whileanswering some of the questions.

About 750 years ago, a powerful volcanoerupted somewhere on Earth,kicking off a centuries-longcold snap known as the Little IceAge. Identifying the volcano responsiblehas been tricky. That apowerful volcano erupted somewherein the world, sometime inthe Middle Ages, is written in polarice cores in the form of layersof sulfate deposits and tiny shardsof volcanic glass. These cores suggestthat the amount of sulfur themystery volcano sent into thestratosphere put it firmly amongthe ranks of the strongest climate-perturbingeruptions of the currentgeological epoch, the Holocene,a period that stretches from10,000 years ago to the present. Ahaze of stratospheric sulfur coolsthe climate by reflecting solarenergy back into space
Question : 19
Total: 100
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