SBI Junior Associates Model Paper 12

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Directions (Q. No. 26-30): Inthe following passage there are blanks,each of which has been numbered.These numbers are printedbelow the passage and against each,five words/ phrases are suggested,one of which fits the blank appropriately.Find out the appropriateword/ phrase in each case and markyour answer.

The circumstances of the world are -____(26) changing, and the opinionsof men change also; and asgovernment is for the living, andnot ____ (27) the dead, it is theliving only that has any ___ (28)in it. That which may be thoughtright and found convenient inone age, may be thought wrongand found ____ (29) in another.In such cases, who is to decide,the living, ______ (30) the dead?
Question : 30
Total: 100
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