SBI Junior Associates Model Paper 12

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Directions (Q.No. 61-65): Studythe following information carefullyand answer the questions given below:
Eight friends from different professions,viz Doctor, Teacher, Officer,Pharmacist, Actor, Clerk, Playerand Scientist are sitting in two parallelrows, containing four personseach. In row-1, H, E, F and G are sittingfacing south while in row 2, T,U, V and W are sitting facing north.Therefore, in the given seating arrangementeach member seated in arow faces another member of theother row.
» F sits second to the left of theOfficer. V is an immediate neighbourof the one who faces theScientist.
» Only one person sits between Vand the Pharmacist. The immediateneighbour of the Pharmacistfaces the Officer.
» The Doctor faces the Actor. V isnot an Actor. T is not a Pharmacist.T does not face the Scientist.
» U faces the Player. The one whofaces W sits on the immediateleft of E. The one who is a Clerkis sitting on the immediate left ofthe one who faces the Actor.
» F does not sit at any extreme endof the line. The Scientist does notface the Teacher.
Question : 64
Total: 100
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