SBI Junior Associates Model Paper 12

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Directions (Q.No. 6 - 10): Rearrangethe following six sentences(A), (B), (C), (D), (E) and (F) in aproper sequence to form a meaningfulparagraph and then answer thequestions given below.
A) In hopes that by their poisonousweeds, and wild incantations,they may regenerate the paternalconstitution, and renovate theirfather's life.
B) That he should never dream ofbeginning its reformation by itssubversion;
C) To avoid the evils of inconstancyand versatility, ten thousandtimes worse than those of obstinacyand the blindest prejudice,we have consecrated the state
D) By this wise prejudice we aretaught to look with horror onthose children of their countrywho are prompt rashly to hackthat aged parent in pieces, and puthim into the kettle of magicians
E) That he should approach to thefaults of the state as to thewounds of a father, with piousawe and trembling solicitude
F) That no man should approach to look into its defects or corruptionsbut with due caution;
Question : 9
Total: 100
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