SBI Junior Associates Model Paper 13

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Directions (Q.No.21-23): Readthe following passage carefully andanswer the questions given below it.Certain words/phrases have beenprinted in bold to help you locatethem while answering some of thequestions.

Once Emperor Akbar becamevery angry at his favoriteminister Birbal. He asked Birbalto leave the kingdom and goaway. Accepting the command ofthe Emperor, Birbal left thekingdom and started working in afarmer’s farm in an unknownvillage far away under a differentidentity.
As months passed, Akbar startedto miss Birbal. He was struggling to solve many issues in theempire without Birbal’s advice.He regretted a decision, askingBirbal to leave the empire inanger. So Akbar sent his soldiersto find Birbal, but they failed tofind him. No one knew whereBirbal was. Akbar finally found atrick. He sent a message to thehead of every village to send apot full of the wit to the Emperor.If the pot full of wit cannot besent, fill the pot with diamondsand jewels. This message alsoreached Birbal, who lived in oneof the villages. The people of thevillage got together. All startedtalking about what to do now?The wit is not a thing, which canbe filled in the pot. How will wearrange for diamonds and jewelsto fill the pot and send to theEmperor? Birbal who was sittingamong the villagers said, “Giveme the pot, I will fill the wit inone month’s end”. Everyonetrusted Birbal and agreed to givehim a chance. They still didn’tknow his identity. Birbal took thepot with him and went back tothe farm. He had plantedwatermelons on his farm. Heselected a small watermelon andwithout cutting it from the plant,he put that in the pot. He startedlooking after it by providingwater and fertilizer regularly.Within a few days, thewatermelon grew into a pot somuch that it was impossible toget it out of the pot. Soon, thewatermelon reached to the samesize as the pot from inside. Birbalthen cut the watermelon from thevine and separated it with thepot. Later, he sent a pot toEmperor Akbar with a messagethat “Please remove the witwithout cutting it from the potand without breaking the pot”.Akbar watched the watermelonin the pot and realized that thiscan only be Birbal’s Work. Akbarhimself came to the village, tookBirbal back with him.
Question : 22
Total: 70
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