SBI Junior Associates Model Paper 13

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Directions(Q.No.6-10): Rearrangethe following six sentences A, B,C, D, E and F in the propersequence to form a meaningful paragraph;then answer the questionsgiven below them.

A) Accustomed as they are to beingin the camp of resistance,revolutionaries have seldomfound it easy to construct orpreside over a nation of laws.
B) The idea was not only, as heexplained on countless occasions,that India had to win, alongsidepolitical freedom from colonialrule, economic, social, and legalfreedoms.
C) Gandhi sought to build on thisambiguity by urging Indians torespect the spirit of the law evenif specific unjust laws were to beviolated.
D) It is no coincidence that, at thehelm of the opposition that hewas leading to British rule inIndia, Gandhi also set into placea ‘constructive’ programme.
E) In his characteristic manner,while mindful of the fact thatoppression under the law is evenmore insidious as it not alwaysrecognized as such
F) To this extent at least, Gandhialso saved himself from the intractabledifficulties into which revolutionarieshave always fallen.
Question : 7
Total: 70
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