SBI Junior Associates Model Paper 7

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Directions (Q.131 − 135):
In each of these questions, a group of letters is given followed by four combinations of number/ symbol lettered (1), (2), (3) and (4). Letters are to be coded as per the scheme and conditionsgiven below. You have to find out the serial number of the combination, which represents the letter group. So letter of that combination is your answer. If none of the combinations is correct, your answer is 'None of these'.
Letters: M B D K Q L I R J S N P A E G
Number/ Symbol: @ 3 7 % 4 # 1 2 £ 8 5 9 $ 6

(i) If the first letter is a vowel and the last a consonant, both are to becoded as the code for the consonant.
(ii) If the first letter is a consonant and the last a vowel, the codes for thefirst and the last are to be interchanged.
(iii) If no vowel is present in the group of letters, the first and the lastletters are to be coded as ©
Question : 133
Total: 200
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