TCS Placement Model Test 10

Question : 2
Total: 40
Directions : Read the following passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four given alternatives.
Just as there are basic laws and principles that control your physical world, there are basic laws and principles that control your mental world as well. Before you can hope to operate your human success system properly, you need to know the basic laws that determine your behavior and affect your very being.
In this regard, you have no choice. You cannot decide to bypass these laws in an attempt to negate their application. They are present in all mental working and will always operate successfully to bring about the results you keep telling your mind you want.
The human mind is very much like a sophisticated electronic computer. When you acquire any new piece of advanced equipment, you normally take some time to carefully read the manual and basic operating instructions before turning it on to make it work. Operating instructions are important. They tell you how to get maximum performance out of the device, taking into account the specific tasks it was designed to perform. It should be the same with operating your own miraculous built-in machine You were born as the most advanced living organism in the world, yet you lack the precise knowledge to get the most out of your internal success system. Of course, your automatic goal stirring mechanism is always successful. But it is probably more successful at getting you what you don't want in life rather than what you do want. Understanding the mental laws will help you get what you do want, more often.
These basic laws influence all mental workings and always operate successfully to achieve
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