Given : Number of factors\/divisor of 1000 (excluding 1 and 1000) Formula used : For N=xa×yb×zc Where x,y and z are prime numbers and a,b and c are their powers Number of factors =(a+1)(b+1)(c+1) Calculations : Prime factorization of 1000 ⇒1000=(2×5)3 ⇒1000=23×53 Hence, number of factors =(3+1)(3+1) ⇒4×4=16 The total number of factors or divisors for 1000 is 16 . Now excluding 1 and 1000 , we get ⇒16−2 ⇒14 ∴ The number of divisors of 1000 (excluding 1 and 1000 ) is 14.